1 - Marcel Duchamp Prize
The Jury for the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021 convened on Monday, the 18th of October 2021, to choose the laureate of the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021 from among the four artists nominated for this edition: Julian Charrière, Isabelle Cornaro, Julien Creuzet, Lili Reynaud Dewar. The Jury made its deliberations followed by a presentation of the artists by their reporters respectively: Martin Guinard-Terrin, Clément Dirié, Maboula Soumahoro and Manuel Segade. The jury composed of seven personalities – Xavier Rey, Claude Bonnin, Leon Amitai, Shalva Breus, Emma Lavigne, Akemi Shiraha, Annabelle Ténèze – awarded the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2021 to Lili Reynaud Dewar. Born in 1975, lives and works in Grenoble. She is represented by the Galleries Clearing, Brussels & New-York ; Emmanuel Layr, Vienna & Rome.
«It has been difficult to decide between four personalities promised to a brilliant artistic career. But since it must be so, enthralling discussions between the members of the jury have honoured Lili Reynaud Dewar whose universal approach, effective institutional and social critique, and especially the risks taken with her own body, are particularly moving. I pay tribute to an exemplary work whose impact in no way concedes to the demands of the form, in the most pertinent manner. » Xavier Rey, Director of the Musée national d’art moderne.
« Once again, this year the Prix Marcel Duchamp has succeeded in making an exceptional selection, in echo of the world’s great challenges, or those of society, and demonstrating all the power artists have to enlighten and move us. The original and, all in all ‘Duchampian’ practice of the laureate, Lili Reynaud Dewar, honours the French scene that the ADIAF has been happy to defend for more than 20 years. » Claude Bonnin, President of the ADIAF