The critic

Chris Cyrille
Crédit photo : Chakir Hiba
2022 Grant – “Art critic/exhibition curator” College
Born in 1993. Lives and works in Paris.
Poet, art critic and exhibition storyteller: “The art critic must also learn to stand aside (or de-mission), to step outside the mission that he or she has been given to create a ‘decisive gap’. His or her place is not in the glitter of white galleries, but in the darkness of studios. He/she is the witness to the attesa of a work of art (we say ‘work of art’ to insist on the need to give the artist a dignified status), that of the artist.” Chris Cyrille
Storyteller for the “Mais le monde est une mangrovité / But the World is a Mangrovity” exhibition. Winner of the AICA 2020 Prize. He participates in Mediapart’s “L’esprit critique” podcast.
“Bourses Emergence ADIAF & Catawiki / ADIAF & Catawiki Emergence Grants. Idea and texts by Chris Cyrille. Video credit Mechler – The Farm Paris. Photo credits The artists. All rights reserved”
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