2 - International
29th November 2012 to 7th January 2013
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery (LAMAG) Barnsdall Park
Organized by FLAX (France Los Angeles eXchange) in partnership with the Palais de Tokyo, Paris, the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and with the guest participation of the ADIAF, the exhibition proposes to re-establish the dialogue between French and Californian artists with thirty or so works from emerging and confirmed artists from France and the West Coast of the United States.
Five artists honoured by the Marcel Duchamp Prize will be shown in the exhibition:
Mathieu Mercier (winner 2003), Michel Blazy (nominated 2008) Philippe Mayaux (winner 2006), Tatiana Trouvé (winner 2007) Daniel Dewar and Gregory Gicquel (nominated 2012).